TREATS is a modern metallurgical testing, inspection and development centre,
functioning in Kolkata since January 1986. This centre has facilities for
and inspection of metallurgical raw materials, semis and finished products. We also
undertake investigation, failure analysis and quality system counselling for metallurgical
/ engineering industries.
Our laboratory documentation and testing system are based on the guidelines of the
National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL), under
the Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India. This system is in line
with ISO/IEC 17025 - 2005 & EN 45001 for Laboratory Accreditation and is approved
by International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) and Asia Pacific Laboratory
Accreditation Cooperation (APLAC).
We are already accredited by NABL in the field of Chemical Analysis (by Wet Method)
and Mechanical Testing (including Impact, Metallography and IGC tests). We are perhaps
the only Laboratory in the Eastern Region to have maintained this recognition since
1998 uninterrupted.
About The Founder of TREATS

Testing Research Engineering And Technological Services (TREATS) was founded by
a technocrat,
Mr. B. C. Agrawal, in the year 1985 in Kolkata.
Mr. Agrawal was born in the Holy City of Varanasi in Uttar Pradesh and completed
his schooling and college education at Varanasi itself. He obtained his Bachelor
of Science degree in Metallurgical Engineering from the Banaras Hindu University
(B.H.U.) in 1953. He started his professional career as a Metallurgist at the then
Aluminium Corporation of India Ltd., Jaykaynagar, near Asansol (West Bengal). He
then moved on to teaching Metallurgy as a lecturer and Assistant Professor at the
University of Rangoon, B.H.U., and Bihar Institute of Technology, Sindri (B.I.T.).
During his stint as Asst. Prof. at B.I.T., he went to the U.S.A. under the U.S.
Agency for International Development Programme and earned his degree of Master of
Science in Metallurgical Engineering from the University of Wisconsin at Madison,
In 1963, Mr. Agrawal left the teaching profession and joined the Indian Branch of
Lead and Zinc Development Association of London as Technical Officer to provide
technical advisory services on the uses and applications of the two metals to the
industries in India, Burma, Nepal, Ceylon and Bangladesh. In 1975, he took up the
assignment with the Association of Indian Engineering Industry (now re-christened
as Confederation of Indian Industry – CII), the largest professional body of the
engineering industry, to provide technical and consultative services to its member
companies. It is here that the idea to establish a metallurgical testing laboratory
germinated, which got fruition in 1985.
Mr. Agrawal has written numerous technical papers and articles, which have been
presented at various seminars, symposia and conferences, and published in reputed
technical journals and conference Proceedings. His book on “Metallurgical Analysis”
is prescribed as a Text Book in most of the metallurgical engineering institutions
in India. He has been Associate Editor of the “Transactions of the Indian Institute
of Metals”, a premier metallurgical journal of India, for several years. Mr. Agrawal
has several technical reports, plant operation reports and project feasibility reports
to his credit. He has been providing technical advisory and consultancy services
to the metallurgical and engineering industry since last 45 years.
Mr. Agrawal is widely travelled and has visited several aluminum, copper, lead and
zinc producing and consuming industries in the USA, Canada, U.K., Europe and South-East
Asia. He was a member of AIEI delegation to WAITRO Conference on Self-Reliance in
R&D in Developing Countries held in Holand in 1978. He was instrumental in organizing
an International Conference on Energy Management in Industry in cooperation with
UNIDO at New Delhi in 1983. During his employment in AIEI (now CII) , he took an
Industrial Mission to Latin American countries to promote industrial cooperation,
consultancy services and trade with India.
Mr. Agrawal is a Life Member of the Indian Institute of Metals (IIM), Member of
the American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM), Corporate Member of the Indian
Society for Non-Destructive Testing and Member of the Association of NDT Services
Organisations of India (NANSO).